Squash PEI Membership Benefits
Being a member of Squash PEI entitles you to fully participate in all Programs and Services offered by the Association.
Please sign into Clublocker.com to create an account.
This will be your site for tournament and league sign ups, rankings, score keeping, and more

Payment of your annual Squash PEI Membership Fee ($30) entitles you to the following:
Sports Insurance Coverage through Sport PEI - covering sport-related injuries. Coverage includes general accident, liability, accidental death and dismemberment insurance. There is also coverage for physiotherapy, if you should "stretch a bit too far" trying to make that perfect shot!
Full participation in all tournament activities, including matches, socials, pre-and post- tournament activities.
Discounted registration fees at inter-provincial tournaments in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
Discounted rates at accommodation providers throughout the Maritimes
Inclusion in the Squash PEI and Squash Canada Ranking Systems
Inclusion in the Squash PEI E-mail circulation lists , and most importantly ...
Access to more fun than you thought possible!